Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Arrival of Another Blessing! (Birth Story)

This may turn out to be a little long-winded!  I apologize in advance! 

Sunday started out in early afternoon for me considering I was catching up on some much needed sleep due to the amazing Baby Shower the day before.  I was having contractions on and off all of that day.  But nothing concerning.  I did have an insane need to clean that day - I just had the sense that I didn't have much time before Lady Sophie would arrive.  So I cleaned the kitchen, tidied the living room, finished some projects and was getting ready to go to bed finally when I started noticing that the contractions were staying consistent.


Monday, roughly about midnight, I started timing the constractions that had become consistent in spacing.  I was right, the contractions were at 5 minutes apart for several hours.  I woke up Joshua at roughly 3:30AM considering I was going to try to take a bath to see if the warm water would slow them down (you know - testing to see if it really was the real thing or not) and Dana was already up.  (I let her stay up even though it was super early cause I had a feeling we would be leaving the house early that day anyways).   Despite the bath, the contractions remained at 5 minutes apart.  Joshua called into work as soon as he could and we headed to the Hospital to get checked out. 

I was put on the monitors at roughly 6AM.  I heard from no one for the next 3 hours.  So I was beginning to wonder what was going to happen that day exactly.  Finally at 9AM, Dr Lai came in and did a "check" and said I was only at 2cm and was 0% effaced.  I was definitely NOT in active labor.  I was disappointed.  I really thought that this was it.  :(    Dr proceeded to check the monitoring and discovered that at a couple points during contractions, baby's heartrate completely fell off the monitor.  This concerned her.  She consulted the Head Dr on the floor who came in and did an ultrasound to see what could be causing this....  Sophie looked perfect on the ultrasound.  Everything looked great.  However, Dr Morris was NOT convinced that there wasn't a complication.  So it was decided that I would be admitted and a CST (Contraction Stress Test) would be done. 

Contraction Stress Test

A Contraction Stress Test (CST) is started by giving the mother a very small dosage of Pitocin to kickstart contractions in order to see how baby reacts to the stress of "Labor Contractions."  If baby wasn't ready for birth - the contractions would soon end and I would be sent home.  If Labor was indeed kickstarted during the testing process, nobody was worried about it....  :)   At roughly 10:30AM, the CST was started.  I would say roughly 30 minutes later, I had a massive contraction which sent Sophie's heartrate PLUMETTING....  she quite obviously did NOT pass the test.  Dr Morris rushed into the room, instantly put me on oxygen and started discussing what our possible courses of action were at this point.  None of my options were "going home."   Option A:  was to do C-Section and avoid putting any more stress on Baby (who clearly could not withstand the stress of labor).  Option B:  was to Induce Labor and be open to the huge possibility of Emergency C-Section.  I was not sure about either option considering both included the term C-Section...  however, Option B was what I chose cause I strongly felt that we should at least give her a chance....

Active Labor  

At 2PM, Pitocin was started and so was labor...  all went well and I was managing contractions well too.  Anesthesiologist came in to discuss Anesthesia options for both regular Labor and potential C-Section.  For regular Labor I said no to everything excepting perkisset and an IV med option - but only when I asked for it.  In the event of a C-Section - I wanted General Knock-Out!  LOL  At 4PM, Dr Morris came in for another "check" at which point I was 4cm and 50% effaced....  progress was being made and everyone was handling it well....  so we kept trucking along.  at 8PM I was super tired and asked for the perkisset.  The perkisset took the edge off the contractions so I didn't have to focus on relaxing so hard for a bit - however, I felt that it also slowed down the labor.  At 10:30PM, another "check" was done, at which point I was STILL only 4cm.  I felt pretty angry at this point.  cause I was in labor for seemingly EVER and was doing NOTHING!!!!  at that point the thought crossed my mind that perhaps the C-Section would have been a better idea.  :(  after this "check" the contractions started rolling in almost constantly...and the pressure was was unbearable.   I was crying and borderline hyperventilating with each contraction at this point.  So I asked for the IV pain med.  Nubane was given (the regular dosage)...  and this is where my memory becomes sketchy and the rest of the story is more based off of what I was told happened by both the Dr and my husband. 

Transition and Delivery

Nubane is an IV Pain Med that supposedly takes the edge off the pain of the contractions and makes you sleepy in between them.  Apparantly the "makes you sleepy" part is very true (by experience).  It also makes you very loopy and loose recollection of everything.  :(  I still felt every aspect of pain from all of the contractions.  Crying did NOT cease during contractions, but promptly upon the contraction ceasing, I would fall asleep.   Apparantly Dr Brooks checked me at 11PM and at that point my water was broken.  Now according to narration (by Dr and Hubby), that is when I freaked out!  I was in sooo much pain.  I was told to push and apparantly I did.  But once I started pushing apparantly I wouldn't stop - not even for a break.  The pain was unbearable - I was so lost, had no idea where I was or what I was doing.  I did not even recognize my own husband.  It was a horrible helpless feeling in the torrent of immense pain.  While I was pushing, the pressure on my tailbone was so much that I honestly thought that my tailbone was at the very least going to fracture.  :(  hence my need to get the pushing over with and this pressure GONE!!!  plus I was so very hungry. 


11:16PM - April 16th, 2012 - Sophie Zdena-Lynn Emmot was born.   From what I hear - they delayed clamping and cutting the umbilical cord for like a couple minutes (not quite was I was expecting) but glad they did for a little while.  Dr placed Sophie on my tummy promptly but wouldn't allow "latching" due to how the Nubane affected me (he was afraid it would affect Sophie the same way).  Josh got to cut the cord and I fell asleep.  When Sophie's checks were all done and I was allowed to hold her, I couldn't even hold my own baby.  :(  I was so out of it, she kept rolling over.  I couldn't even hold her.  :(  I felt so disassociated from the birth, from my baby.  I am so sad....  I remember exactly how I felt and what I did when Dana and Joey were born.  But I do not know what happened with Sophie.  and I want to cry every time I think of that.  :(  so...  when the Nubane finally wore off about 8AM - I got to enjoy time with my new Princess.  :) 

Point is - Sophie arrived safely and naturally.  NEXT time - forget the "going natural" route.  I would rather have recollection of the birth process  - than be so torn by the pain and side affects of medication - that I loose it all...  :(  So epidural all the way next time....  I can say I gave it an honest go.  But to me it's not worth it....   I am grateful to my husband for everything!  I can not imagine what it was like to be in his shoes during this whole thing.   I am grateful to the Delivering Doctor who was outstanding!  :)  and most of all - I am so blessed to be Sophie's mama! 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Josh - Teresa Clan
O U R     F A M I L Y

In our almost 6 years of wedded bliss, Joshua and I have been bestowed a ton of blessings, amongst the greatest are our beautiful children. 

Dana Elizabeth

Father-Daughter Stroll
Dana Elizabeth graced our family with her presence on November 20, 2007.   She is a great JOY to our family!  Dana brings us lots of laughter and she has such a tender sweet spirit (when it doesn't involve her brother).   Dana really should become a Nurse at the very least due to her tenderness towards the wounded and the ill.  Anytime anyone has any kind of scratch or anything else - she always insists on kissing it better.  One day recently, she even insisted on kissing Josh's bald spot thinking it was a "big boo-boo."  That is one event worth remembering.  Recently Josh was in a minor Car Accident (he was not hurt) and Dana noticed the Car had "an owie."  I'm glad I caught it before it actually happened but she was heading towards the car with every intent to "kiss it better."  I love her so much!  As tenderness is one thing, the generosity of sharing is about unheard-of in little Princess's mind!  "Sharing" the Mobi-Go when she is at her friend's house is one of those definite No-Go's.  Still working on that......  :)    Dana and Josh have an outstanding relationship!   Any chance they get, they play together, watch shows together (most of which are 100% annoying to my husband - joys of fatherhood), eating PB&J's together, swinging, doing flips...  you name it - they do it!  :)    While on the topic of Dana - her Speech has Improved and almost completely caught up to speed.  :)  I am so very proud of her.  Her potty training is about completed now too!  And Dana is also ready to start Preschool at Emmot Academy in January 2012.  My baby girl has grown up so fast!

Joseph Dwight

Father-Son Joys
Dana was NOT exactly a happy camper on her 2nd Birthday, when we brought her baby BROTHER home from the hospital!  LOL  Joseph Dwight is such a sweet precious little boy!   Outstandingly attached to his mama!  But that is awesome about little boys, right? - especially now that he is doing so much more on his own without me :'(     Joey absolutely loves CARS.  Any type of car is his favorite.  His newest excitement is TRAINS.   Joseph also doesn't possess the wonderful virtue of Sharing.  I guess it is the age!  :)     Joey took forever to "warm up" to his daddy after deployment, but now that he has, the Father-Son relationship that he and Josh have is very heart-warming.    Can I mention that my 2-yr old is STILL taking up to 3 hr naps every day!?!  how outstanding is that!!!!!    :)

Sophie Zdena-Lynn

13 weeks :)
Our third blessing - Sophie - has not quite fully arrived yet!  This little Bun is still baking!  :)  Sophie is due to join our family sometime late April / early May 2012!   if any of you are wondering about baby "Sephronia's" (like Josh has nicknamed her) name - here is the explanation:  Sophie - well we just LOVE that name, so soft and sweet //  Zdena (Diane) - in honor of my Mother and Grandmother and in honor of Aunt Rachel (Zdena is Diane in Czech) //  Lynn - in honor of Miss Sophie's amazing Grandma Sharon!  We simply can't wait to meet this precious baby that we tried for roughly 18 months to successfully conceive!  She is most truly a long-awaited-for BLESSING!

                    Until next time - Keep Counting YOUR Blessings!